Tag: tips

How to get more distance in your golf swing

For a lucky few, power comes naturally, but if you’re like the rest of us, if you’re looking to add power to your golf swing, you can do so by adopting a few simple techniques.

Image source: golfwrx.com

Here are a few of those techniques:

1. Keep your right foot ahead of your left, if you’re right handed.

Your stance is a crucial part of your swing. When you’re setting up for your swing, make sure to put your lead foot, in this case your right foot, a little in front of your left. This stance gives you better balance.

2. Keep a light grip on the club.

You’d think that gripping your club hard will result in a stronger swing, but tense muscles in your hands and arms can decrease your swing speed. Grip your club just enough so it won’t fly away at the end of your swing.

3. Unhinge your wrists just before impact.

Your wrists will be hinged or cocked on the backswing. Try to maintain this wrist position as long as you can to develop a stronger release. Avoid unlocking your wrists on the downswing until just before the club hits the ball. This is called follow-through.

Image source: seancochran.com

I’m Jack Elway. A retired golfer out of Florida. I like to give tips on golfing so be sure to follow me on Twitter for regular updates.

Golf Techniques For Seniors

More and more people in their 50s have been showing interest in playing golf. That’s because the baby boomer generation has mostly passed the age of 50, and that’s why gold instructions for senior golfers has become much more popular. To add to the list of advice and tips, here are golfing techniques for older adults to increase power without needing much flexibility.

Image source: belmeadow.com

Play the ball back at address: Tilt your body to the right if you’re right handed, tilt it to the left if you’re a lefty. Less flexible players usually need more distance so they should learn to hit a draw.

Adjust weight division from impact to follow through: Since senior players don’t have the flexibility they once had, it’s going to be difficult for their spine to support their backs during a swing. What seasoned 50-year-old golfers do is basically have their bodies to be in a consistent position while they swing the club. You’ll want your body rotation to be restricted only to left-right movement.

Correct wrist position at the point of impact: Your lead wrist needs to be flat, and the trail wrist should be cupped or bent right when you hit the ball.

Image source : bogeystorbirdies.co

Hi, my name’s Jack Elway, a retired golfer. I regularly write tips about golfing and the like. If you’re interested, visit this link.